This story could be used as a cold read, as part of a unit on Realistic fiction, or as part of a unit on short stories. On Day 3, the students can take the reading assessment and vocabulary quiz. On Day 2, the students can read the story and discuss it. If you did this as a stand-alone unit, you could have the students complete the vocabulary and practice quizzing each other on Day 1. The documents come in Word and in PDF, combining for a total of 24 pages. This assessment also comes with the answer key.
There is also a 3-page reading assessment that has 5 true-false questions, 1 fill-in-the-blank question, 14 multiple-choice questions, and 10 vocabulary questions. In addition to the text, there is a 2-page vocabulary assignment that comes with the answer key. This unit comes complete with Bret Harte's famous story 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat,' which has been edited with footnotes and is 7 pages.